Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How One Film Demonstrates Features Which Can Be Considered as Post-Modern Essay Example for Free

How One Film Demonstrates Features Which Can Be Considered as Post-Modern Essay Film within the post-modern genre simply illustrates the ideas of postmodernism through expressive art. Postmodern can be defined as a â€Å"genre of art and literature†¦ in reaction against principles and practices of established modernism† In this essay I will be outlining the key concepts as well as characteristics that can be found in a post modern film. Postmodern cinema contradicts the typical principle of narrative structure and the portrayal of the characters. One film I believe illustrates these ideologies is Quentin Tarantino’s film Pulp Fiction. Released when postmodern films were at its peek. Pulp Fiction has to be one of cinemas most iconic films of all time. Due to the uncertainty of the characters and the stylised yet ambiguous nature of the plot, Pulp fiction is not only to be branded intriguing but also a great example of postmodern. Work by theorists such as Fredric Jameson, will be looked at to help with the analysis of the chosen film. By doing so this helps prove that key concepts which are present within the film such as pastiche, irony, fragmentation and parody are perceptions that together make up a postmodern film proving that pulp fiction is a good illustration. The use of pastiche is present throughout the film. Pastiche allows the emergence of differing techniques to form together in order to create a new structure. Replications of renowned film makers work has been used in order for an updated equally creative film to be produced. Anything from words, phrases, visual, and musical patterns can be used, by doing so it demonstrates that postmodern film is a combination of a variety of texts, styles and skills. Many theorists have spoken openly about their disproval of pastiche. Theorist Fredric Jameson for example even goes as far as to refer to pastiche as a â€Å"dead language†. In the book Postmodern Culture Fredric Jameson writes about the decline of new art, he writes â€Å"in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is left is to imitate dead styles† (Jameson,1995 ) Even though â€Å"plagiarism of older plots†(Jameson, 1995) occurs in some films it can be argued that by this technique being used it allows an ingenious reinvention of a classic, to be made. One of the first indications of pastiche in Pulp Fiction takes place in the third scene where Vincent (John Travolta) and Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) enter the house. When Vincent is directed to the place where the brief case is, and opens it he is to be met by a bright glow, the scenes shows similar replication to a 1950s film in the film noir genre; called kiss me deadly. Where in both films the characters gaze adoringly in to the case, in Pulp Fiction the question of what it could possibly be is asked, considering the 666 (the mark of the anti-Christ) had to be entered into the case in order for it to be opened. Referencing to the 1950s is evident in the film, Marcellous’s wife Mia is associated with the 1950s quite a lot. The dialogue between Vincent and Mia is reminiscent to what would be said in a 1950s film. This idea is highlighted again when she chooses to go to a 1950s themed restaurant. The language and the setting break’s away from the usual formatting of the film which up until now consisted of violence. Mia being so much associated with the 1950s is rather ironic as you automatically associate the 1950s and women to be calm and innocent. We soon find this not to be the case as she is soon after shown taking drugs in the bathroom. Another example of pastiche within the film would be when Marcellous got raped. After his traumatic experience he tells Butch that he’s going to get his men to work on Zed with a â€Å"pair of pliers and a blow torch†. A line that was famously taken from the film Charley Varrick. The use of parody is another postmodern feature that is evident in pulp fiction. Like pastiche parody is also the imitation of a person’s previous work. Even though they may seem the same, the two techniques in fact contrast one another. Parody imitates film through cynicism whilst pastiche emulates true form. According to Jameson the use of parody emphasises a films distinctiveness through mockery, he rightly declares â€Å"now parody capitalises the uniqueness of these styles and seizes on their idiosyncrasies and eccentricities to produce a imitation which mocks the original† (Jameson,1995 ) The sarcastic tone to situations that can be considered to be serious are ridiculed whilst random partially irrelevant scenes are present at times. This technique easily can be seen as an attack on history however it also can be perceived as a humorous take on a scene or situation of something of importance. According to Linda Hutcheon â€Å"pastiche usually has to remain within the same genre as its model, whereas parody allows for adaptation† (Hutcheon1989). Parody allows the script to differentiate away from the original and become a voice and vision of its own, helping create a new meaning to the scene. Parody allows the script to differentiate away from the original and become a voice and vision of its own, helping create a new meaning to the scene. An example of parody is shown in the film is in the scene where Butch is a young boy. He receives a visit from a friend of his father who died at war. On first appearances you as the audience not only are intrigued but curious to find out what is going on. What seems to be something of importance is soon dismissed as the soldier goes on to talk about how Butch’s birth right was hidden up his and Butch’s fathers â€Å"ass† for seven years. Another element which is evident is the exploitation of words and situations being used in order to suggest the opposite of their intended meaning. Pulp Fiction explores this feature in the form of irony. The three types of irony used are: irony of fate, verbal irony and dramatic irony. Together the three different varieties of irony merge collectively providing a witty script. The scene where the two men in suits (Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta) approach the door and enters, is a prime example of dramatic irony. This is due to fact that we know something bad is going to take place. The audience knows more than the characters in the film, making us to wonder what will happen next. The sarcastic tone in the conversation Jules is having with one of the victims, too adds to the suspense as his tone is not serious â€Å"do you mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down? The dialogue is rather confusing as you immediately think that your interpretation of events must be wrong and once again are left not knowing what is going to happen next. Before killing the victim Jules recites a biblical verse â€Å"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will trike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee† (Ezekiel 25:17). The irony behind this is that he associates God with assignation. His act has now become justified in a deluded way. Whereas before God was associated with negativity in regards to Jules in the end it was the â€Å"divine intervention† of God that also saved him from the life of violence. Jules’ epiphany came when he was close to death it was this same epiphany that saved the thieves in the diner at the end. An example of irony of fate would have to be when Butch runs into Marcellous at the traffic lights. This is ironic as Butch escapes being killed due to Marcellous putting out a warrant for him. The scene continues to show irony as the two of them end up being put in a compromising situation in which they end up needing the help of the other for their own survival. Marvin’s death in the car is an additional case of irony of fate. He ends up being shot accidentally minutes after his life was spared. This is tragic as in Marvin’s case he was killed due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The complex nature of the film means that pulp fiction contains multiple storylines making it a story within a story. This fragmented form â€Å"deliberately discontinuous narratives†¦to suggest the fragmentation and breaks-up of formerly accepted systems of thought and belief† (Tim Woods, 1999). This particular feature is vital and takes place through out. The mergence from one thing into the next forces those watching to construct and figure out the story for themselves. Fragmentation has a real role of importance in Pulp fiction as the distorted storyline enables the audience to have empathy for the characters. The beginning of the film which we later find out is in fact the end, starts off with a mid way conversation between a man and a women. Only seconds into the movie and already the audience is left unsure of what it is they are talking about and what is going on in the scene. After a confusing dialogue between the two people which lasts only a few minutes the scene ends with a frozen image of the two of them. Not knowing what is going on is a theme which is explored throughout the film. Like in the first scene the scene following, too starts off with a conversation which has already started â€Å"okay so tell me again bout the hash bar† by doing so again the audience are unaware of what is taking place and feel the need to construct the story for themselves. A different example in the scene â€Å"Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s wife† introduces another character which the film later reveals is one of three protagonist characters Butch. Like the formatting of the other scenes a conversation is already taking place when the scene begins. The scene continues and Vincent and Jules randomly enter wearing t-shirts and shorts. It is only nearer to the end of the film that we find out why they are wearing what they are wearing. As the film draws to an end the first scene in the diner is explained in the last scene. The audience later find out that both Vincent and Jules are in fact present at the robbery. With his new morally correct path in which Jules wants to pursue he spares them their lives even though they had a gun pointed in his face. After an extensive look into postmodern film and the role in which it plays in the formation of film, it is evident that it is these features that make the films what they are, despite it contrasting the conventions of typical film. Borrowing plot lines from other well known sources, the use of sarcasm when imitating art, irony and perplexity are just a few descriptions, you could find within this genre. Even though at times these features have been questioned as well as criticised, in the end the final product at times are fascinating, a good example of this theory defiantly lies in the film pulp fiction. Pulp fiction forces the audience not to conform to the conventional ideas of film but instead consider a new way of understanding and acknowledge film. The concepts effectively add a new type of understanding to a collective of ideologies, allowing the reader to witness many different transitions that occurs within life through the characters. The relation between postmodernism and film has been openly criticised yet applauded by theorists. The lack of originality is the main focal point in regards to the subject with some theorist even referring it to plagiarism. Quentin Tarantino disproves this theory as his work is a prime example of originality and uniqueness that can come out of postmodern film in spite of pastiche, parody, irony and fragmentation being used.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Injection Molding :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plastics Engineering   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Injection Molding Most people have never heard of injection molding, however the products that are produced through this process are as common as a toothbrush, a compact disk, or even drinking glasses. Injection Molding is one of the principal processes used in converting plastics into useful products. An injection molding machine can be large or small but work through the same general process. The machine heats a thermoplastic material that in its pre-processing state is pelletized or granular, to a liquid-like â€Å"flowable† state. It then injects the melted plastic into a mold that is used to create the desired shape of the product. The plastic in the mold is then allowed to cool and removed form the mold by an ejector system. Different raw plastics materials can be used in the injection molding process. Most commonly injection molding machines provide processing for phenolics, melamine, silicone, elastomers and polyester. These materials can be numerous colors and can be used for making the various products depending on what characteristics like elasticity. flexibility and hardness are needed. The injection molding machine has two main components the injection unit and the clamp unit. The injection unit melts and injects the materials. There are usually about eight main parts that make up the injection unit, and they are the barrel, the nozzle, the screw and non return valve, heater bands, a motor to rotate the screw, and a hydraulic cylinder to move the screw forward and backward. Control systems are used for temperature regulation, and the timing of the screw rotation and injection strokes. The screw consits of three main sections the metering zone, the transition zone and the feed zone. The feed zone makes up about 1/2 the total length of the screw. It has deep flights and is where the pellets first enter the screw. The transition zone is about 1/4 the length of the screw and has flights that are closer together to compress the pellets and aid in the melting process. The metering zone makes up the last portion of the screw mechanism and is where any final melting of the pellets occurs before the pellets pass through the non return valve and nozzle into the mold. The Clamping unit opens and closes the mold and ejects the parts. The two most common methods to generate clamping forces are direct hydraulic clamps and toggle clamps that are both actuated by hydraulic cylinders. In addition to those parts most injection molding machines also have a hydraulic pump and resivoir. Safety is a very important aspect of injection molding so most injection molding machines are equipped with safety devices. Injection Molding :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plastics Engineering   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Injection Molding Most people have never heard of injection molding, however the products that are produced through this process are as common as a toothbrush, a compact disk, or even drinking glasses. Injection Molding is one of the principal processes used in converting plastics into useful products. An injection molding machine can be large or small but work through the same general process. The machine heats a thermoplastic material that in its pre-processing state is pelletized or granular, to a liquid-like â€Å"flowable† state. It then injects the melted plastic into a mold that is used to create the desired shape of the product. The plastic in the mold is then allowed to cool and removed form the mold by an ejector system. Different raw plastics materials can be used in the injection molding process. Most commonly injection molding machines provide processing for phenolics, melamine, silicone, elastomers and polyester. These materials can be numerous colors and can be used for making the various products depending on what characteristics like elasticity. flexibility and hardness are needed. The injection molding machine has two main components the injection unit and the clamp unit. The injection unit melts and injects the materials. There are usually about eight main parts that make up the injection unit, and they are the barrel, the nozzle, the screw and non return valve, heater bands, a motor to rotate the screw, and a hydraulic cylinder to move the screw forward and backward. Control systems are used for temperature regulation, and the timing of the screw rotation and injection strokes. The screw consits of three main sections the metering zone, the transition zone and the feed zone. The feed zone makes up about 1/2 the total length of the screw. It has deep flights and is where the pellets first enter the screw. The transition zone is about 1/4 the length of the screw and has flights that are closer together to compress the pellets and aid in the melting process. The metering zone makes up the last portion of the screw mechanism and is where any final melting of the pellets occurs before the pellets pass through the non return valve and nozzle into the mold. The Clamping unit opens and closes the mold and ejects the parts. The two most common methods to generate clamping forces are direct hydraulic clamps and toggle clamps that are both actuated by hydraulic cylinders. In addition to those parts most injection molding machines also have a hydraulic pump and resivoir. Safety is a very important aspect of injection molding so most injection molding machines are equipped with safety devices.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Juvenile Gang

Apply the functionalist point of view to the phenomenon of female juvenile gangs in Hong Kong and evaluate its explanation. The recent female juvenile gang problem has sparked off public concerns in Hong Kong, because they are more rampant in the newly-developed towns such as Tseung Kwan O, Tin Shui Wai and Tai Po. Comparing with the figures of girls joining gangs by Dr. T. W. Lo in 2001 and by the Federation in 2005, the trend of girls’s participation in gangs is increasing. In the following, the phenomenon of female juvenile gangs in Hong Kong will be discussed in detail by the functionalist point of view.Then, the explanation will be evaluated. Before discussing the phenomenon of female juvenile gangs in Hong Kong by the functionalist point of view. Let start with the definition of structural functionalism and definition of female juvenile gangs. Society is a system with various social institutions performing important functions to the society and to individuals. The struct ural functionalism is based on the assumption that society is a stable, the function of each part of the community should be able to co-ordination to make a harmonious and efficient society.Female juvenile gangs is defined as girls who are below the age of 21 and have been members of gangs. Gangs consist of three features. First, gangs are stable groups with regular gatherings. Second, gangs involve deviant behavior such as fighting. Third, gangs affiliate with triad societies. By the functionalist point of view, the social structure and condition have a great effect on female juvenile gangs forming. Girls who were joined juvenile gangs are unable to play their role in different class of society because of social inequality, so they can not achieve the goal and they are tempted to have deviant behavior.At the family level, family put many pressure on the girls, they felt out of place with their family due to poor relationships with parents and bad growing experience. Under such circ umstances, they tend to escape from the real family and seek for other big family which can offer them emotional attachment. At their schools and working level, they can not get the sense of accomplishment in schools or from working. They are forced to attend classes or not satisfied in salary. At the peer level, due to the peer pressure and they meet friends with gang backgrounds, they have more chance to connect with gang members.At the personal level, girls start to demand for autonomy and to be independent form 2 is the most vulnerable period for girls. Due to the puberty, they are easier to have emotional problems. Comparing with the boys, girls want to get protection and free entertainment from gangs rather than showing off. Those factors show that girls who were joined gangs can not take their responsibility in different level of society. They joined gangs in order to find their role in the other family and recognition from other members.Besides, there are three type of femal e juvenile gangs, including autonomous group, satellite group and mixed group. Autonomous group is a all-female group. Members in this group are very independent and autonomous. They are not controlled by the male gangs. Also, these groups have the same features as male gangs in the way they behave and solve problems. Members in satellite group and mixed group are more likely to rely on the male members or gang, they can get more protection or other support such as financial support or provide free entertainment, most girls have the role being ‘wife’or‘little sister’of male members.Female members play an auxiliary role in gangs. They almost carry weapon for male members and provide sexual services to male members. The activities in gang of boy and girl are quite different. For instance, boy involves more in criminal and violent acts than girl. But drug offences are more common in girls as girls are easier to evade the inspection. Boys are less likely to hav e free entertainment and are less emotional and gossip than girls in gangs. Sometimes, female members are needed to help male members to beat the girls from the other gang.It is understandable that male members and female members have different function in gang In order to maintain the female juvenile gangs, there are female leader and fighting girls in gangs. It shows that female members are taking on more specific roles within the group. For female leader, she should have a wide network of contacts in order to get more protection and free entertainment. On the other hand, she should be able to fight to protect her followers and appear to be mature. For fighting girls, those girls are look like a boy and they like fighting.They will keep doing exercise in order to be stronger. It is a way to protect themselves and they can able to stay or exist in gangs. All the female members must know how to protect their reputation. Otherwise, the members of the gang will not respect them and th ey will be rejected or despised. In the female juvenile gangs, each member has their role in gang, such as leader need to be presentable and eloquent. In different role, they have different function and this is how they maintain the system of gang.By the functionalist point of view, the reason of formation of the female juvenile gangs can be explained. The female juvenile gangs also work as a society. Every member has her role and function, they contribute themselves in gang. Female members in autonomous group, satellite group and mixed group have different features and functions. On one hand, male members provide free entertainment and protection to female members. On the other hand, female members help male members to carry the drugs and weapon. There are mutual beneficial relationship between male and female members or gangs.However, structural functionalism can not explain how the girls join the gang as there are many other factors. In addition, it can not explain how are the fe male members formed their identities. By the structural functionalism, we can explain the function of the leader (Big sister) and fighting girls and the relationship between leader and her followers. But, we can not explain how they can be a leader or fighting girls, the process of being the female leader consist of many factors. Structural functionalism can not explain the phenomenon of female juvenile completely. References 1.Chu, Yiu Kong (2005) â€Å"An Analysis of Youth Gangs in Tin Shui Wai in Hong Kong† in Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences No. 29 Spring/Summer 2005. 2. Clinard, Marshall B. (1995) â€Å"Robert Merton: Anomie and Social Structure† in Earl Eubington and Martin S. Weinberg ed. The Study of Social Problems – Seven Perspectives, London: Oxford University Press. 3. Haralambos, Michael and Holborn, Martin (2000) Sociology – Themes and Perspectives, London: Collins. 4. Mok, James and Chan Shui-ching (2008) A Study on Girls in Gangs, Hong Kong: Research Centre, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Explore Antarcticas Hidden Lake Vostok

One of the largest lakes on planet Earth is an extreme environment hidden beneath a thick glacier near the South Pole. Its called Lake Vostok, buried beneath nearly four kilometers of ice on Antarctica. This frigid environment has been hidden from sunlight and Earths atmosphere for millions of years. From that description, it sounds like the lake would be an icy trap devoid of life. Yet, despite its hidden location and terribly inhospitable environment, Lake Vostok teems with thousands of unique organisms. They range from tiny microbes to fungi and bacteria, making Lake Vostok a fascinating case study in how life survives in hostile temperatures and high pressure. Finding Lake Vostok The existence of this sub-glacial lake took the world by surprise. It was first found by an aerial photographer from Russia who noticed a large smooth impression near the South Pole in East Antarctica. Followup radar scans in the 1990s confirmed that something was buried under the ice. The newly discovered lake turned out to be quite large: 230 kilometers (143 miles long) and 50 km (31 miles) wide. From its surface to the bottom, it is 800 meters (2,600) feet deep, buried under miles of ice. Lake Vostok and Its Water There are no subterranean or sub-glacial rivers feeding Lake Vostok. Scientists have determined that its sole source of water is melted ice from the ice sheet that hides the lake. Theres also no way for its water to escape, making Vostok a breeding ground for underwater life. Advanced mapping of the lake, using remote sensing instruments, radar, and other geologic research tools, show that the lake sits on a ridge, which may be harboring heat in a hydrothermal vent system. That geothermal heat (generated by molten rock beneath the surface) and the pressure of the ice on top of the lake keep the water at a constant temperature. The Zoology of Lake Vostok When Russian scientists drilled cores of ice out from above the lake to study the gases and ices laid down during different periods of Earths climate, they brought samples of frozen lake water up for study. Thats when the life forms of Lake Vostok were first discovered. The fact that these organisms exist in the lake water, which, at -3 ° C, is somehow not frozen solid, raises questions about the environment in, around, and under the lake. How do these organisms survive in these temperatures? Why hasnt the lake frozen over? Scientists have now studied the lakes water for decades. In the 1990s, they began to find microbes there, along with other types of miniature life, including fungi (mushroom-type life), eukaryotes (the first organisms with true nuclei), and assorted multicellular life. Now, it appears that more than 3,500 species live in the lakes water, in its slushy surface, and in its frozen muddy bottom. Without sunlight, Lake Vostoks living community of organisms (called extremophiles, because they thrive in extreme conditions), rely on chemicals in rocks and heat from the geothermal systems to survive. This isnt terribly different from other such life forms found elsewhere on Earth. In fact, planetary scientists suspect that such organisms could thrive very easily in extreme conditions on icy worlds in the solar system. The DNA of Lake Vostoks Life Advanced DNA studies of the Vostokians indicate that these extremophiles are typical of both freshwater and saltwater environments and they somehow find a way to live in the cold waters. Interestingly, while the Vostok life forms are thriving on chemical food, they themselves are identical to bacteria that live inside of fish, lobsters, crabs, and some types of worms. So, while the Lake Vostok life forms may be isolated now, they are clearly connected to other forms of life on Earth. They also make a good population of organisms to study, as scientists ponder whether or not similar life exists elsewhere in the solar system, particularly in the oceans beneath the icy surface of Jupiters moon, Europa. Lake Vostok is named for Vostok Station, commemorating a Russian sloop used by Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen, who sailed on voyages to discover Antartica. The word means east in Russian. Since its discovery, scientists have been surveying the under-ice landscape of the lake and the surrounding region. Two more lakes have been found, and that now raises the question about connections between these otherwise-hidden bodies of water. In addition, scientists are still debating the history of the lake, which appears to have formed at least 15 million years ago and was covered over by thick blankets of ice. The surface of Antarctica above the lake routinely experiences very cold weather, with temperatures dipping down to -89 ° C. The biology of the lake continues to be a major source of research, with scientists in the U.S., Russia, and Europe, studying the water and its organisms closely to understand their evolutionary and biological processes. Continued drilling poses a risk to the ecosystem of the lake since contaminants such as antifreeze will harm the organisms of the lake. Several alternatives are being examined, including hot-water drilling, which may be somewhat safer, but it  still poses a danger to lake life.